Carmignano, Maniscalchi’s pictures in Villa Artimino

Carmignano's Vitruvian man

“In a silent way” by the Florentine photographer Rossano Maniscalchi, from April 6th (opening hours 17) to April 12th, 2019 (closed April 7th) at the Villa Medicea “La Ferdinanda” in Artimino, Carmignano (PO). Included in the “Artimino Contemporary” playbill. The exhibition allows the public to admire the charm of Maniscalchi’s cinematic photography, but also to use the photos as a mirror for personal introspection.

As explained by Jacopo Celona, director of the Florence Biennale, “the selection of works for the exhibition, and the path flowing from it, reflects the work of a lifetime; Maniscalchi’s constant, sometimes lonely research, meanders through various topics, such as the relationship between humanity and nature, and the passions of the flesh, the transcendental, the processing of death and the relationship between good and evil in a dreamlike but at the same time concrete vision.

Despite his nature as a cosmopolitan artist, but lover of Tuscany, the land of his birth, Maniscalchi has chosen the Artimino’s Estate, as a stage for the exhibition “In a silent way”, among whose works are displayed several unpublished shots made recently at the Estate.

However, Celona concludes – between all the shots in the show, a photo sums up perfectly Maniscalchi’s search for the poetics and aesthetics: the Light of Humanity, inspired by the famous Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci in a metaphysical transposition of the of the famous genius’s drawing marking the 500th anniversary of his death”.

Florentine by birth, cosmopolitan by adoption, Rossano Maniscalchi’s resumé includes important partnerships in international fashion’s world and several of his work published on the covers of the major American and European magazines.

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