Leonardo da Vinci’s lock of hair Shown for the first time. The Uffizi museum’s director: «Nonsense»

Lock of hair

“This matter of Leonardo da Vinci’s lock of hair it’s a silly thing, no specialist believes it”. Eike Schmidt, director of the Galleries of the Uffizi, does not leave room to interpretations regarding the announcement of the discovery of a strand of hair, named “Les Cheveux de Leonardo da Vinci”, of the genius from Vinci, which, together with another heirloom, was presented to the Library Leonardiana of Vinci today, on the day of the fifth centenary of the Renaissance master’s death.

As explained two days ago by Alessandro Vezzosi, director of the Museo Ideale Leonardo Da Vinci, the historical exhibit of the lock of hair, now exposed as a world preview in Florence, up to this time had remained in the secret of an American collection. “The tradition of collecting locks of hair of famous people or their loved ones dates back to Romanticism, that is the Nineteenth century – continues Schmidt – so it would have been a gesture completely out of period in the Renaissance, when something similar happened only for the saints, of whom they saved parts of the body, but certainly not for the case of great scientists and artists”.

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