A five-kilometer wide and two-and-a-half-meter high wall, about 12 thousand square meters of surface covered in the works of Leonardo da Vinci. Or better: in the interpretation of his works made by an army of 500 writers. In Milan, on the walls of the Hippodrome, it’s show time for Street Players, the fifth appointment with the biennial exhibition promoted by Stradearts Urban Gallery.
This year’s theme, case in point, is the genius from Vinci, in the 500th anniversary of his death. To summon the writers arrived from all over the world was KayOne, alias Matteo Mantovani, Italian pioneer of the graffiti born in ’73. Who is celebrating: “So many people, all together, this is the first time in Italy”.
Today is the last day available to compose the long street picture between viale Caprilli, via Ippodromo, via Diomede, among Vitruvian men remade of Lego, the horse of bronze, reinterpreted as a cluster of circuits, a portrait of Leonardo with beard and hat tinted in blue, a Mona Lisa in two colors.
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