Milan, installations, and stand: the Furniture takes off. A nine-billion production chain

Milan and Lombardy are preparing for their most important week, the Furniture Expo’s showcase, with the wind of last editions’ record on its stern, sailing on the solid foundations of the Design’s enterprises, but also with some dark cloud on the horizon. Not only those of the weather, expected to threaten traffic and the Fuorisalone during the week, but also those of the economic uncertainty that does not even spare the happy island Milan, the capital of the the production chain’s main Italian region (9 billions), after having overtaken the Veneto region.

From the figures to the exhibits, from the fair to the city, the symbol of the imaginary connection between Rho-Pero and one of the urban design hearts’ in Brera, is “Aqua”. The installation, curated by Marco Balich (with a sophisticated team) for the Expo Furniture at the Conca dell’Incoronata —, represents the vision of a Leonardo’s channel, flowing underneath a futuristic city projected on a tower, which, in turn, follows the rhythm of the day, changing constantly. Inside, the lights, the sounds and noises surround the drops of water that rise and fall, free, between the ceiling and the floor.

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