Milan, visiting Leonardo’s Last Supper gets simpler: 150 more visitors a day

Visiting Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper, we know, is not easy: tourists visiting Milan have to book months in advance to be able to admire the fresco painted by the master in the Santa Maria delle Grazie’s refectory between 1495 and 1498. But good news are coming: from May 16, 150 more visitors per day will be allowed in. In each hourly time span, in fact, 35 people will be granted access instead of the current 30. That’s one of the novelties related to the project presented in Milan ‘5xLeonardo’, the joint ticketing between the five Milan’s museums launched in occasion of the fifth centenary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death and within the “Milan and Leonardo” palimpsest.

The participating museums, in addition to the Cenacolo Vinciano, are the Sforza’s Castle, the Brera art gallery, the Ambrosiana art gallery and the National Science and Technology Museum. “This is the first time that the 5 museums join together for a project of this kind – said Emanuela Daffra, director of the Lombardy region museums aggregation center – ministry of Cultural Heritage. – With regard to the last supper, expansion of the number of visitors has been made possible after a trial period to check the microclimate by letting in, during certain time slots, a greater number of people. Because of the work’s fragility, the monitoring will continue and if there are no contraindications forcing an U-turn, the goal is to reach 40 groups, with a 30 per cent daily increase (currently, visitors on a daily basis are 1,300).

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