The Bovisa Polytechnic becomes an open-air museum: two thousand square meters of murals

Milan's Polytechnic new Bovisa campus murals

The Milan’s Polytechnic in Bovisa sheds its skin thanks to the street art. During the Design Week, on the Durando campus – the design department of the university – four internationally renowned urban artists (Rancy, Zedz, Luca Barcellona, ​​2501) and 20 students from the Polytechnic covered two thousand square meters of walls in artistic murals.

The result of the live painting is a permanent open-air exhibition. From the deconstructed writing of the Milanese 2501 to the reflection on progress through the geometric shapes of the Dutchman Zedz, other artists instead let themselves be inspired – on the occasion of the fifth centenary of his death – by Leonardo da Vinci. So Rancy, an artist of Milanese origins, painted the empty icosahedron, symbol of divine perfection and harmony, while Luca Barcellona – Milanese calligrapher – transformed the genius’s phrase into art: “We are all exiled within a strange painting’s frame. Who knows this, lives great. The others are insects “.

Through this project – explains Ferruccio Resta, rector of the Milan’s Polytechnic – we want our space and also the neighborhood to become the example of a young, welcoming and creative Milan”.

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