From Varese to France on Leonardo’s trail: the urban artist Ravo Mattoni presents its work to Macron and to Mattarella


After the lesson, held in the Louvre last year for the students of the university of Nanterre, the urban artist from Varese Andrea Ravo Mattoni has received another prestigious recognition beyond the Alps: he presented his works to Emmanuel Macron and Sergio Mattarella, during the visit of the two heads of State at the castle of Amboise, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci. The artist has worked in Amboise, where the genius from Vinci is buried, and realized with spray cans – following his style – the five paintings of 3.50 x 2.50 metres, which reproduce many details of the painting ‘The death of Leonardo da Vinci’ by François Guillaume Ménageot. The works of the Lombard artist will remain on display until September 2 in the main tower of the Château Royal.

“When I met with the presidents I was very excited. I met Macron first, and he then introduced me to Mattarella – explains Andrea Ravo Mattoni – They were both amazed when I explained to them that I had made the paintings using spray-cans. They were very interested when I explained my work in detail”. Thus, the urban artist has explained to the Italian and French presidents what is the project of the recovery of Classicism in modern days: “I have talked with them about my goal of making the great masterpieces of the history of art accessible to all and their importance to me, the link between the work and the place in which I realize it – continues Ravo – In this case, for example, there is a double bond because Leonardo da vinci is buried in Amboise, and the original painting by Ménageot, dating back to 1781, is guarded right inside the castle.”

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